Sunday, April 8, 2012


Hello, Jammers! It's Ganimal151 Here!
Today I have notice about new scam way.
I was walking around Jamaa
and saw bunny who had blue top hat and beta skull helmet.
His username was ThebetaTester

He said that is a Beta Tester
and that he can change colours of item.
But the beta is over and Beta Testers gone!
Bunny was non member.
Probably all beta testers may have membership.
So when bunny said that he is beta tester and can change the colours of item, all jammers started beg him to change their item colour, one said "Can you change my worn to red one?", bunny said "Sure. You have to trade me your worn, so I can change the colour of it".
I knew that here is something wrong.
So I just wanted to try him by trading a red necklace (from Jam Mart clothing store for 45 gems).
It took really long for "changing" colour.
Finally I got necklace back.
It was really easy to see that it's not his main account, I think he has other with membership, so bunny bought blue necklace with member account and traded to his "beta tester".
It was good acting.
Because few minutes later most jammers believed him and traded rares to change colour of it.
After trade, bunny gone and traders said that he is a scammer!
Beware and don't believe those scammers.
So, if you can report ThebetaTester for scamming...



  1. Obviously, there was something wrong. That is right out impossible. Changing item colors? Only HQ Workers could do that... I can't believe people would fall for it. :/ (Well, on the other side, it isn't really there fault because it's a less obvious scam and it's new.)


  2. What the flower? Beta testers can NOT change colour, are people just that gullable?

    And they would not be trading, or have the big honking name of "Thebetatester".

    I have met testers and they are more ressesive than this.

    This is just... I don't know. /)_-

  3. Um, Ganimal, After beta ended (i was in beta on 2 of my other accs) you got 30 days free membership then all was forgotten about you ... I don't know how some people kept on member stuff, or how the got year long / unending membership. maybe there was something you had to do? I don't know. But as far as I'm concerned, we got 30 days membership and then were forgotten.

    1. Oh, I thought they ment the people who test out stuff and work with AJHQ. XD

      People who played in beta did get membership, and even before membership, people could buy stuff that is now for members only. So if they haven't logged on since beta, then they retain their items.

      Yeah, if you played in beta and logged on during the opening of AJ, you were given free membership. It even shows it as a code if you check your roster. XP

    2. it was 30 days, and you got a rare glove!

    3. You didn
      t get a glove, but they sold during beta. Of course they came back though..

  4. OMG! I was going to post about this guy because he scammed my friend :|

    Lol Ganimal your more on top of things then me x3



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