Sunday, April 22, 2012

March of the Phantoms- Octopus737's Animal Jam blog: CLICK FOR FREE STUFF! RARES AND MORE! OFFER GONE I...

March of the Phantoms- Octopus737's Animal Jam blog: CLICK FOR FREE STUFF! RARES AND MORE! OFFER GONE I...: READ THIS BEFORE SCRAMBLING FOR RARES. NOW! I CAN TELL IF YOU HAVEN'T. SO REEAD. Ok, everyone! Here is your chance to get a rare, maybe t...

Hello, Jammers! It's Ozma00 here!

This is just a notice that Octopus737, one of my good friends, is giving away lots of her stuff. Most of it's rare! So if you were looking for some rares, I highly reccomend you look at what she has for trade. (Don't forget the Claw Machine!)

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad that u put "BE NICE!" as a rule!
    So many jammers including me and my friends have been bullied and scammed by anonymous jammers!

    (BTW: I love your blogs!)


Hey Jammers!
A few simple rules for AJF:

1. Be Nice
2. No rude Comments towards us or the blog.
3. No advertising blogs.
4. If you don't like the blog, don't read it.

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