A blog by...Goldfishypuppy/XxFreeSpiritxX, Ducier, TheSafari07,♀ Lehelter ♀, ♫Cottonball2♫, Bunnyman45608, OrcaLvr, Crazyforwolves123, SkerryMalas, SpicyWolf101, Nasser76, Thracey11, devon78303, ❅ A Wɪɴᴛᴇʀʏ Pᴀᴛʜ ❅, Ella/trinh6/Chester, Akita_Neru_tigertaco2011 ....
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Scammers? No-no..
Hello, Jammers! It's Skerrymalas Here!
WELL, now I have just been scammed of my Lit Palm Tree.
I am really, REALLY mad right now.
Oh, and this is the first time I've warned you of how many times I've been scammed.
Oh, and I'm NOT lying.
But, like in my last couple of posts, I said I'm not giving up, right?
Oh ya, and I don't lie.
So, I need rares.
And right now, I'm giving half my rares to Ghanty, my other Animal Jam.
So if I look "less rare" to you, that's why. Grrrrrr..
Okay, sorry.
Happy Jamming?
Scammed. Twice!!
Hello, Jammers! It's Skerrymalas Here!
As you can tell I'm NOT very happy.
I was just scammed. Twice.
In ten minutes.
First, I was scammed of three rares by this guy:
THEN, I was scammed of my RED LOCKET by this guy:
I ended up deleting awesome.
Oh, and there was one more thing I forgot to tell you on Foxer.
On Foxer, I was hacked.
But, I never let it out to the world.
Just when I saw everybody getting overwhelmed when takis1 was hacked
once, Igot jealous but I still stood up for takis.
But sometimes, I just feel like nobody really cares about me anymore.
I'm not spilling out EVERY single piece of evidence, though.
*Thankfully lol*
Okay, also, I still think I'm a survivor.
In the harsh, harsh Animal Jam World, you know.
I've seen people quit over getting only maybe, 150 blog views A DAY.
And, I've seen people quit because they got scammed.
And, me and sometimes Ejaecourts and the people on this Blog,
well, basically,
People wouldn't have survived without us authors.
People are always depressed on Animal Jam, and it's just sad.
They need to have a good reason.
Like, people have been constantly bullying them and scamming them.
And by constantly, I mean twice every day.
THEN, I would understand.
But of course, I wouldn't let them quit.
I'm probably going to be one of the bloggers still standing, in 2 to 3 years.
LoveLost and Greatshot and Awesomecoolanimals quit!
(Believe me, I'm trying to stop them. BADLY.)
I just don't understand it.
Guys, we have to hold on to our sences.
If you aren't rare or popular or funny enough on AJ, you quit.
And once you reach your goal, you automatically set a new goal.
Once you can't reach that goal, you quit.
Now, one of my quotes I always say is:
"No matter how long you stand, you'll be relieved when you're done."
Well, and,
"Your only young once, but you can be immature forever."
Well, it IS one of my quotes. o3o
happy jamming.
I guess..
I guess I'll use that.
Monday, July 30, 2012
Hello, Jammers! It's Thracey11 Here! I'm a New Author, Call Me Trace, Thrace, or Countess. Yes, I am not rare anymore since I transferred into BlueBlueBlueyGirl. I won't be posting For a while since I have School, and My B-day and exam is coming up. So Yeah,.
That's All for the Post
~End of Post~
Guess Who..
Hello, Jammers! It's Skerrymalas Here! Well, I guess you know now! It's Skerrymalas here then. I'm here to post about cool stuff, glitches, and other secrecies throughout Jamaa! Just one more thing..
Never put melted chocolate on live turkeys! Well, I guess that's it for my introduction.. Most of the time it's longer than that.. Well, I guess it's just because I haven't been on a Blog in so long. Huh.. Didn't think of that! Anyway, Happy Jamming!
Never put melted chocolate on live turkeys! Well, I guess that's it for my introduction.. Most of the time it's longer than that.. Well, I guess it's just because I haven't been on a Blog in so long. Huh.. Didn't think of that! Anyway, Happy Jamming!
Yes, another makeover. c:
Hello, Jammers! It's Goldy Here!
Yes, I redid the layout. I think this looks more summery and happy, not as cluttered and heavy.
Hope you guys like it, too! (:
Yes, I redid the layout. I think this looks more summery and happy, not as cluttered and heavy.
Hope you guys like it, too! (:
Rare Pirate Bandana & New Epic Wounders Items!
Hello, Jammers! It's Nasser76 Again!
And Today Is Rare Monday! :D The Rare For Today is: Rare Pirate Bandana,It Costs 750 Gems And Its For Non-Members Too! :D
And Today Is Rare Monday! :D The Rare For Today is: Rare Pirate Bandana,It Costs 750 Gems And Its For Non-Members Too! :D
Golden Sword And Golden Tiara!:)
They Are Sold At Epic Wounders And Both Are For Members Only
Theres a Very Similar One To it in Jam Mart Clothing
(Sorry For The Big Pic)
New Author :D
Hello, Jammers! It's Nasser76 Here! :D
And Im Just Here To Thank GoldFishyPuppy For Making Me A New Author Of The Animal Jam Firey :)
Thanks! Happy Jamming =}
And Im Just Here To Thank GoldFishyPuppy For Making Me A New Author Of The Animal Jam Firey :)
Thanks! Happy Jamming =}
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Sandy Seashells

Happy jamming everyone! Bai bai!
Hiza Jammers! Lehelter here to give the daily item post! today's Item is a Fridge, made of wood, Members Only,and 500 gems. it is located in Jam Mart Furniture, and in my opinion, a GREAT item!
As Jammie263 said in her blog, the Animal Jam Bouncies, why are there magnetic letters on a wooden fridge? Sometimes Animal Jam makes no sense....
Well see ya!
As Jammie263 said in her blog, the Animal Jam Bouncies, why are there magnetic letters on a wooden fridge? Sometimes Animal Jam makes no sense....
Well see ya!
Hiza! Im Lehelter
Hello, Jammers! It's Lehelter Here! I am a new author of this blog, and so happy that I could be a part of it! Thanks goldfishypuppy for inviting me, it means a lot!
I am currently nonmember right now, so i shall show you a member picture of me.
Well, thats me! and thank you Goldfishypuppy again for inviting me!!!!!!!!!!!! And if you would like to see my blog, search The Animal Jam Lotus!
I am currently nonmember right now, so i shall show you a member picture of me.
Well, thats me! and thank you Goldfishypuppy again for inviting me!!!!!!!!!!!! And if you would like to see my blog, search The Animal Jam Lotus!
Introducing Cottonball2 :D
Hello, Jammers! It's Cottonball2, here!
I love dogs and cats, and in my free time I usually write! I enjoy reading, playing sports, like soccer and volleyball. I will update as often as I can about glitches, news, and more!
As for my username... I don't really know why I chose Cottonball. If I were to say something I like about them, I would say: THEY'RE SO SOFT AND FLUFFY! :D
Anywho, thanks Goldy for making me an author, and I will make my experience here, the most exciting!
Thanks, again! C:
This is my banner! :)
Saturday, July 28, 2012
A New Author Called OrcaLvr :D
Hiya Jammers! It's OrcaLvr here :)
I'ma young spazzy artist of the west coast of America, my favorite animal is an Orca whale.. obviously. My interests are drawing, singing, listening to music, and spending time with my fellow social nerds.
Here's a picture of one of my drawings..
Here's another.
My Blog can be found at: http://orcalvr.blogspot.com/
My Youtube can be found at: http://www.youtube.com/user/XxOrcaLvrxX?feature=mhee
I am open to art requests, just leave a comment on the Drawings Page of my blog :)
Introducing a New Author: Ducier! (me :P)
Hi jammers of all sorts! I have accepted the invitation sent by XxfreespiritxX to me to be an author for Animal Jam Fiery! I have always sort of wanted to be an author for this blog, but I never had the time to apply, so I'm really happy!!!!! A BIG THANK YOU TO FREESPIRIT! Ok, you pronounce my username like this: du-si-er. It's a soft 'c'. My close friends call me Duce. :P You can call me that if you want. :P Also, I'm crazy for the game Falling Phantoms. :P I really like it for some reason. My interests include reading, writing, blogging, playing Animal Jam, looking at other blogs, and such and such. I will try my best to be a really good author. :)
Signing out,
Hello Jammers, Bunnyman45608!
Hello, Jammers! It's bunnyman45608 Here!
I want to thanks Goldfishypuppy for hiring me as a new Animal Jam Fiery author!
So many of you may know me, some may not.
Everyone is like: Woah, very odd username.
Well, it's not. I have asthma (got from my dad) and a pet rabbit. He saved my life one night.
I thought: Hero Bunny, Hero User!
Anyway, I love to draw, sing, most people call me a 70's girl.
It's fine if you call me that, that's just what they think.
Everyone will know my sister, uniquelog!
Yep, we a virtual world sisters.
Anyone want a gift?
I am currently doing art request.
You may ask:
What kinda art?
I say:
It's one you your Animal Jam characters... IN HUMAN FORM
You must request one to see what it looks like.
To request one enter these details in the comments:
Your AJ User:
Which character/animal you want (only 1):
1 pet you want (you don't have to fill this in):
That's all I need. Please don't make me rush, art takes time, plus I have a ton of other request to do.
I may not post a lot when school starts up. I will only be on days I don't got test. I won't be on AJ long though on those days.
Hope I post tomorrow!
(Making Signature soon!)
Dear New Admins - Please Post Introducing yourself!
Hello, Jammers! It's Goldfishypuppy Here!
Hi Guys. Like the new look? :)
I invited 25 new authors to join our blog!
A few have already joined!
If you're a new admin, (haven't re-applied or been on AJF yet) please post introducing yourself!
Thanks everyone!
Hi Guys. Like the new look? :)
I invited 25 new authors to join our blog!
A few have already joined!
If you're a new admin, (haven't re-applied or been on AJF yet) please post introducing yourself!
Thanks everyone!
Seaweed Boa & Kelp tree
Hey jammers! Its TheSafari07 here! Today there are two new underwater items!
The first one is..
Seaweed Boa! This fashionable item is located in bahari Bargains. They cost 400 gems and they are member only.
The second item is...
Kelp tree! They are for underwater only dens. They are located at sunken treasures. They are 450 gems and sadly again, they are member only.
They seem really natural kind of items, don't you think?
Anyways, thats all for now!
See ya later jammers!
The first one is..
Seaweed Boa! This fashionable item is located in bahari Bargains. They cost 400 gems and they are member only.
The second item is...
Kelp tree! They are for underwater only dens. They are located at sunken treasures. They are 450 gems and sadly again, they are member only.
They seem really natural kind of items, don't you think?
Anyways, thats all for now!
See ya later jammers!
Hi Guys!
Hello, Jammers! It's Goldfishypuppy (XxFreeSpiritxX) Here!
Animal Jam Fiery is going to get a makeover!
New Admins, that have waited so long for an opportunity to post.
and a new look!
If you were an admin, and got deleted, please re-enter and send an email to animaljamfreedom@aol.com!
Please be patient, and check out my new blog - Animal Jam Goldfish!
Animal Jam Fiery is going to get a makeover!
New Admins, that have waited so long for an opportunity to post.
and a new look!
If you were an admin, and got deleted, please re-enter and send an email to animaljamfreedom@aol.com!
Please be patient, and check out my new blog - Animal Jam Goldfish!
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Knight Armor
Hello, Jammers! It's Spicywolf101 Here!In Jamaa Clothing, We have Knight Armor, Member's only.For 550 gems.Keep Jammin'
Monday, July 23, 2012
RIM! 7/23/2012
Hello, Jammers! It's Spicywolf101 Here!(If you didn't know, I'm itwasyellow, and this is my new user)Our RIM for this week is a Rare Epic Dragon Mask. Expensive. For members, Blue.Well, here's a picture.Well get yer' own mask for 1,000 gems!Keep Jammin'
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Golden Wings
Hello, Jammers! It's Ozma00 here!
In Epic Wonders, you can find the members-only golden wings. Since my Adobe flash is glitching, I am using this picture from Animal Jam Spirit, Snowyclaw's blog.

Hopefully I will be able to get a proper picture soon!
In Epic Wonders, you can find the members-only golden wings. Since my Adobe flash is glitching, I am using this picture from Animal Jam Spirit, Snowyclaw's blog.

Hopefully I will be able to get a proper picture soon!
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Animal Jam Calendar
Hello, Jammers! It's *Enchanted SnowyRose* Here!
Do you know about the Animal Jam Calendar?
Keep up to date with every Animal Jam update with this calendar.
Never miss another important event again!
Never miss another important event again!
July's Events:
(Click to view full size)
access this useful calendar go to Jamaa Township, click on the
noticeboard and click on the blue button "Activities Calendar".
Hello, Jammers! It's Ozma00 here!
Hey, I know I haven't posted in a while, I was taking a summer break at da beach.

But now I'm back! YAY!
I discovered this website called Freerice. It's a nonprofit company that donates rice to those in need, mainly in Africa. It's pretty simple, and it's absolutely free for you to help! All you have to do is answer some quick trivia questions. There are lots of categories: English vocabulary, basic multiplication, even SAT prep! For every question you get right, Freerice and its sponsors will donate ten grains of rice to those in need!
I've made a group on the site (essentially a community of users that are working towards a goal of donated rice). It's called Animal Jam! Link here: http://freerice.com/content-group/animal-jam
So, to join this group, you've gotta register for Freerice.com.
I understand that some of you might be uncomfortable with giving away your e-mail adress, which is requested in the signup. That's perfectly fine. Ask your parents before signing up, but know that Freerice does not sell your information to any outside companies, nor does it spam your inbox.
I've decided that I'd like to raise 10,000 grains of rice in a 3 months, by October 21st. Could you guys maybe help me do that? I know it sounds like a lot, but we'd only have to answer 1,000 questions. If I was doing this by myself, I'd have to answer... hmm... 12 or so questions a day. But I'm hoping that you guys will help!
I can't expect you to do this every day, or even every month, but if you could make a account and answer maybe ten questions in any category, it would make a difference.
Please, sign up and spread the word! Help make a difference by honing your mathematical skills!
Hey, I know I haven't posted in a while, I was taking a summer break at da beach.
But now I'm back! YAY!
I discovered this website called Freerice. It's a nonprofit company that donates rice to those in need, mainly in Africa. It's pretty simple, and it's absolutely free for you to help! All you have to do is answer some quick trivia questions. There are lots of categories: English vocabulary, basic multiplication, even SAT prep! For every question you get right, Freerice and its sponsors will donate ten grains of rice to those in need!
I've made a group on the site (essentially a community of users that are working towards a goal of donated rice). It's called Animal Jam! Link here: http://freerice.com/content-group/animal-jam
So, to join this group, you've gotta register for Freerice.com.
I understand that some of you might be uncomfortable with giving away your e-mail adress, which is requested in the signup. That's perfectly fine. Ask your parents before signing up, but know that Freerice does not sell your information to any outside companies, nor does it spam your inbox.
I've decided that I'd like to raise 10,000 grains of rice in a 3 months, by October 21st. Could you guys maybe help me do that? I know it sounds like a lot, but we'd only have to answer 1,000 questions. If I was doing this by myself, I'd have to answer... hmm... 12 or so questions a day. But I'm hoping that you guys will help!
I can't expect you to do this every day, or even every month, but if you could make a account and answer maybe ten questions in any category, it would make a difference.
Please, sign up and spread the word! Help make a difference by honing your mathematical skills!
Friday, July 20, 2012
Knight Helmet
Hello, Jammers! It's Piezilla & LaughingPancake234 Here! Today, there is a new item in the Jam-Mart clothing. Ladies and Gentlemen, THE KNIGHT HELMET!
Sorry. There is nothing so exciting about this item. But...
Ok, Bye for now.
Sorry. There is nothing so exciting about this item. But...
Ok, Bye for now.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
The Animal Jam Goldfish
Hello, Jammers! It's XxFreeSpiritxX Here!
I suggest you check out Goldfishypuppy's blog, she asked me to post about this for her since she can't get on the comp currently :L
Hopefully she will join this blog soon ^_^
Her blog is The Animal Jam Goldfish
Please make her feel welcome to the blogging world! :)
Ps. Hi.
I suggest you check out Goldfishypuppy's blog, she asked me to post about this for her since she can't get on the comp currently :L
Hopefully she will join this blog soon ^_^
Her blog is The Animal Jam Goldfish
Please make her feel welcome to the blogging world! :)
Ps. Hi.
My First Youtube Video!
Hello, Jammers! It's Pool54321 Here! I have made a new video called The Animal Jam Talk! It's on Monday- Friday. I am also making a new show called Animal Jam Live! It is on every saturday! If you want to be a cast member please comment down below and add me. You will be announced on The Animal Jam Talk. Ok here is the video!
Why Haven't I Been Posting, You Ask?
Heya Jammers!
It's finally a post by the one and only...
It's finally a post by the one and only...
Yeah, I know I haven't posted on here in months, but there are reasons for that.
Yeah, I know I haven't posted on here in months, but there are reasons for that.
I'm not posting as much because Free made this blog, and she quit.
I don't know why I feel like I can't post because Free quit. I just never bring myself to do it.
And yes, I'm nonmember, to those of you who haven't seen me lately.
I've been crazy busy, and I'll be quitting soon.
So yeah.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Aye guys.
Hello, Jammers! It's ItWasyellow Here!Well I'm not yellow anymore! I'm now Spicywolf101!So if your buddies of mine or your friends are my buddies please delete itwasyellow and buddy me :Spicywolf101
Keep Jammin! -Spicywolf101
Keep Jammin! -Spicywolf101
Monday, July 16, 2012
Rare item monday! 7/16/12
Hey Jammers! Its TheSafari07 here! Today is monday, so that means its Rare item monday! This weeks rare are "Rare Rhino Helmet". They are located on the 4th page in jam mart clothing and cost 900 gems.
Remember this item is out for ONE DAY ONLY!! So if you want this item, make sure to get one!
Well see ya later jammers!
Remember this item is out for ONE DAY ONLY!! So if you want this item, make sure to get one!
Well see ya later jammers!
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Hello Jammers! Its TheSafari07 here! At the summer carnival, there are sandals that you can get. They cost 14,000 tickets and of course like always, they are expensive. To me, I'm not a big fan of these sandals because they are to human and also they are super expensive. I wish for once at the carnival, animal jam HQ would at least put things cheaper like 700 or 500 tickets. Just to be affordable for most jammers!
Well See ya later jammers!
Well See ya later jammers!
Friday, July 13, 2012
Lantern Necklace!
Hey Jammers! Its TheSafari07 here! At Bahari Bargains, you can get your very own Lantern necklace! They cost 650 gems. I like this item a lot! It's like a little spooky, but cool! Im sure its going to be popular if it becomes rare.
Anyways, make sure you get one!!
See ya later jammers!
Anyways, make sure you get one!!
See ya later jammers!
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Fancy Tall Candelabra
Hello, Jammers! It's ItWasYellow Here!Today we have a new item in the Furniture Store!
A Fancy Tall Candelabra for 400 gems!Members Only. Grr.Pretty fancy stuff coming in from stores.
Well ,Anyways... Keep Jammin' -itwasyellow
A Fancy Tall Candelabra for 400 gems!Members Only. Grr.Pretty fancy stuff coming in from stores.
Well ,Anyways... Keep Jammin' -itwasyellow
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
New stuff!
Hello, Jammers! It's ItWasYellow Here!We have 3 new items in the furniture shop!We have a Fancy Fireplace for 650 gems,A Giant Crystal for 600 gems and a Fantasy Banner for 350 gems!So go and get 'em!Keep Jammuin' -ItWasYellow~
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Fox Concept Drawings
The Super-est of Monkeys here with my awful drawings to show.
I saw the fox, and though it looked like the strangest thing!
So, I traced it's shape and did some guesswork, and came with brilliant results.
Here are some doodles I did to show how it will look.
Jk, The dance should be the fox trot.
I'll edit this with more drawings upon request.
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Camouflage Boots!
Hey Jammers! Its TheSafari07 here! Today at jam mart clothing, there are Camouflage boots. They cost 400 gems. At least their not as pricy as items, but still interesting choice again.
Anyways, see ya later jammers!
Anyways, see ya later jammers!
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Hat with dreadlocks O3O
Well,Keep Jammin'
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
YingYangSoulCat will be quitting August 26th!
Hey Jammers!
As you might know, I (YingYangSoulCat) am quitting in September.
Untill, my dad told me i have to quit a week ahead before school starts (Most likely sept 3).
So, I'm most likely having a party on Aug 26th! (My early b-day, a nd my quitting day)
When- August 26th, 9:00 AM
Why-Early B-Day and I am Quitting
Where- YingYangSoulCat's Den
Who-I'm hosting the party, but anyone can come! Be sure to invite your friends!
Gifts?- I appreciate your humble offers of presents, but they are not needed!
PS-my dad said if 3 months of my schooling is done, and I get straight A's (or a good score that doesn't involve letters as the grade), then I can come back to AJ! (as long as homework and chores ect is done :3)
As you might know, I (YingYangSoulCat) am quitting in September.
Untill, my dad told me i have to quit a week ahead before school starts (Most likely sept 3).
So, I'm most likely having a party on Aug 26th! (My early b-day, a nd my quitting day)
When- August 26th, 9:00 AM
Why-Early B-Day and I am Quitting
Where- YingYangSoulCat's Den
Who-I'm hosting the party, but anyone can come! Be sure to invite your friends!
Gifts?- I appreciate your humble offers of presents, but they are not needed!
PS-my dad said if 3 months of my schooling is done, and I get straight A's (or a good score that doesn't involve letters as the grade), then I can come back to AJ! (as long as homework and chores ect is done :3)
2 New Items and a new den! And my goodbyes to Free...
Hello, Jammers! It's ScathachTheSad Here... 2 new items....
Sorry. not really feeling up to my usual enthusiastic self. Also, new den.
I'd like to say goodbye to Freespirit... she was a good friend and and even better blogger. You will be missed!
Curves sofa - 450 gems |
Samurai Helmet - 500 gems |
Fantasy Castle - 7500 gems |
New Party!
Supermonkeys here with an awesome new party!
The Freedom Party is pretty cool, and it's hard to miss since it's on all day apparently. : D
There are two shoppes there, a fireworks shoppe and a freedom hat shoppe.

Pretty cool, huh?
Find this and click it to get a surprise!
I bought one firework to see what it does. It's addictive to just sit there and click it over and over...
so pretty... ouo
The Freedom Party is pretty cool, and it's hard to miss since it's on all day apparently. : D
There are two shoppes there, a fireworks shoppe and a freedom hat shoppe.

Pretty cool, huh?
Find this and click it to get a surprise!
I bought one firework to see what it does. It's addictive to just sit there and click it over and over...
so pretty... ouo
Pfft, that's all for now.
P.S. Miss you Free. D :
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