
Monday, June 18, 2012

Jamaasian Movement

Have you guys noticed how much Animal Jam is changing? It used to be spiritual and realistic. Now we have watersides, cruises, and houses! I am guessing everyone of you reading this joined Animal Jam to learn about the world and to meet new people, no to become famous and have rares. Shamans aren't seen anymore, and everything new that comes is impossible for an actual animal to use. Jamaa is turning into New York, soon there will be buildings, suits, and penthouse dens! HQ is treating us like 5 year olds and not telling us the truth about the hacks and glitches, and tells us that it is phantoms, when almost everyone knows they don't exist. Please spread the word, post this on your blog, tell your friends, tell every jammer possible. We need HQ to realize that we care, and we need the old spiritual, reasonable Jamaa back. If we work together, we can change everything, and get the Jamaa we want, no scammers, no fame, just a peaceful place where we stand as one family! It was all inspired by snowyclaw. Click here to see the post. Spread the word Jammers! Together we can get the old Jamaa back!


  1. I know! I wish everything was like back in beta time-no scamming, no "rares" and everything was peaceful. WE WANT BETA TIMES BACK!!!


  2. You know what your right, even though I wasn't using Animal Jam back then we do deserve to know the truth on why things are happening and I am sick of the Scammers too. And back then their mabe wasn't all that because not many people knew about animal jam just saying

  3. I remember beta times.... Actually, I joined like two days after Membership came out. I know. That really sucks, well, my dad wouldn't download flash until he was 100% sure it wasn't gonna explode his computer. Anywho, it was so peaceful back then, now Jamaa is so hectic nowadays. Ah, wouldn't you love it to be back the way it was before 'rares' came out? Because seriously, what wolf wears a designer skirt? Or a sword? they don't have bendable thumbs! and since when do you see wolves on a cruise ship?! this is getting a little out of hand. i am definitely going to consider joining this group becuse I know that a big angry mob of protesting jammers can help save jamaa from the fate it's headed for: Humanism.

  4. Animal jam is truly about learning about the world and having an adventure.NOT scamming or trading rares!!!!!!!! It needs to be more peaceful and spiritual!!!! Not stupid flip-flops or berets!!!!!!! We want old aj back!!!!!!WE WANT OLD AJ BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    ~blossom90791 buddy me trade me fight the fight against AJHQ with me!!!!!

  5. i joined AJ because my friend told me it it was fun. i have a lot of rares but i would give them all up to get jamma back to its first state. not new york and business suits. if that ever happened (new york) then i would give all my items to someone else and QUIT. go older jamma!!!!

  6. Ugh! rares,rares,rares! I do not want rares! So i gave my rare bandana up to support the movement!



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