
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Flip Flops!

Hey Jammers! Its TheSafari07 here. Today we have another clothing item. They are Flip Flops! You can get them on the 1st page of jam mart clothing and they cost 350 gems! 
Anyway, see ya later Jammers!


  1. Omg you seriously like that Animal Jam is turning into a human nature? Have you even heard of the Jamaasian Movement on how the Jammers are trying to get the old Jamaa back? It is so horrible I cannot even explain how mad I am at HQ.

    1. I never said that. Im with the Jamaasian movement. I just said it was an item that fits the summer season. I even wrote to animal jam HQ complaining about this kind of stuff. Trust me i don't even agree with this kind of stuff. I was trying be nice about it, even thought i don't agree with all of this.


Hey Jammers!
A few simple rules for AJF:

1. Be Nice
2. No rude Comments towards us or the blog.
3. No advertising blogs.
4. If you don't like the blog, don't read it.