
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Special Post: Tarantula Member Gift and Outfit

Hi Jamaasians! The Monthly Member Gift was a little late, but, here it is in all it's glory! (Lol)! It is the tarantula pet, thanks to the nonmember advertising-to-be-a-member card AJHQ sent out, we found out early that's what it was going to be! The me monthly member gift card I accidentally deleted, but here is the nonmember card:
Since this Jamaa Journal was a ".5" one, it only added three new pages, as shown:

Here is me and my tarantula, so you can get a feel for what it looks like:
And, once you create one, you always create another cute tarantula to keep your other one company! 
Here is one action the spider can do:
Picture taken in kearstyn74's den
Also my outfit for Halloween will be a bat, and it will look like this:
What do you think of it? Anyway, that's it for this post, bye everyone and jam on!

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