
Monday, September 3, 2012

Rare Monday King's Crown

Hi jamaasians! Today's Rare Monday is the Rare King's Crown. You can buy it in Jam Mart Clothing on the seventh page for 800 gems. 
AJHQ also posted about the Rare Monday on their blog, this time it was on time! :p
Also, I have switched from a Google+ Profile to a Blogger profile. I hope that's alright with ya'll. I though Blogger profile wold be better for me. 
So that is my Blogger profile name thing. I may change it later, who knows.

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Hey Jammers!
A few simple rules for AJF:

1. Be Nice
2. No rude Comments towards us or the blog.
3. No advertising blogs.
4. If you don't like the blog, don't read it.