
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

What You Know is a Lie

Supermonkeys here to show you the world.

Lately, people have been saying certain items are "beta".

See, beta, or β, has many uses.
The Beta AJ we all know and miss uses this definition:
     "In computing the term 'beta' is used as (usually) the last pre-release in the Software release life cycle. " -Wikipedia
In Layman's terms, this means the game is tested before it's fully released to the public. This is why Beta AJ is so different and simple compared to AJ now.
If you go around town or such, you will hear, "oh, I traded for a beta green old blanket" or something like that. The term "beta" is used incorrectly.
Saying that a light green old blanket is beta would mean that blanket has more to offer. What, is it gonna wash your car when it comes out for sale again?

I believe people are meaning to say discontinued.
The light green tiara with a purple gem is discontinued, not beta.
As for the new blanket that everyone fawned over...

If you answered C) Not Beta, you win a trip to Hawaii!
Not; but still, thanks for playing!
Anyway, that was a leaked item, as in it was being tested in game, not unlike that pink and dark blue eyeball that that was sold before being replaced by re-skinned eyeballs.
When something is tested in game, that means it was being tested to see if it was alright and not buggy when released to the public. I can see if this is confused for beta, but the blanket was never intended to be released to the public.

I'm no official, so don't take my word for the eyeball or blanket, but don't go around saying you have a beta sock or a beta coffee cup.

If you have any comments or things like "is this beta discontinued?", feel free to ask.

I'm grouchy, and I approve this message.


  1. Oh great, you did it. That was fast.

  2. With all due respect, I disagree. In Animal Jam, people are using the term "beta" to indicate that it was only availible during the Beta testing stage of Animal Jam. Maybe it techinically isn't correct, but neither is the term "scammer". Technically. So, Animal Jam vocabulary is a little bit different from the real world's, but that doesn't mean the terms are incorrect! They just have different meanings for people.

    1. I don't mean the ones that are actually beta items, like top hats and leaves, but the ones that were well into the game after beta. Once an item is sold during the real public release, it is no longer considered beta.

      Sorry if I wasn't being clear. I didn't use very good examples. XP

      Anyway, I do refer to a beta item being originaly bought from the actual beta game time period. The Tiara was not from beta I think because an alt account I had that was made after beta had one. But I'm not one who follows items closely, so if you know better than I, let me know.

      If you know any better examples, please, do share.

    2. I actually think some people use "beta" as an adjective to try and make it seem really rare. This might confuse some people, who spread the word to others and so on.... until everyone is convinced that a tiara is beta or something. This comment doesn't make much sense, does it? Oh well.
      P.S. A better example might be that "beta eyeball"... you know, the one with the pink center.

  3. I agree with you ozma, and great post, super!

  4. Beta Hoods Are Beta, I Saw a Picture Of Them In The Beta Store

  5. And The Tiaras and Old Blankets Arent Beta They're Just Removed Colors :L

  6. Wow so lets get this straight a Beta is like the Cami's Frog Plush and not Mech Angel Wings?



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