
Friday, May 11, 2012


Hello, Jamaasians! It's AppleRoseTree Here... I have some bad news for you guys... Read below to find out what it is.

New Basket (Probably for snakes)
 OK, Jamaasians we have some strange things going on at AJ, I couldn't get on AJ Because of the offline thing so i had to take someone else's pic of the basket, Sorry! Normally I don't take other Jamaasian's pics but i had to so that i could inform you of the strange happenings...

AJ Offline!?!?!??!?!?
As I said above AJ has gone offline. Click the pic to make it bigger. It has been at least 12-13 hours so far that they have been offline. This was posted on my other blog.

1 comment:

  1. JUST GOT TO LOG ON TO ANIMALJAM!!! Animaljam is back online!!!


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