
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

New Authors Needed!

Hello, Jammers! It's XxFreeSpiritxX Here! you can see, AJF is getting very dull.
So is Jamaa in general, but that's a different story..

Anyways, We need new authors on AJF!

Only Ozma00 posts about updates (Props to her *round of applause*)

So make sure to check out the Become a Mod! Page on how to
Just send your application to

Thanks. Me and supermonkeys discussed deleting some authors..and we may.
Watch out! :D


  1. I want to be a author! I would add really fun stuff and post almost everyday! Maybe I will not post because I have something important. I would warn people about scammers and hackers. I can write poems about AJ and get on AJ and search for glitches. I will also give people tips and give polls that are intersesting. But do you want to know my most important habit I love? I give little puzzles for people to solve! In fact here is one-

    What do these 4 words have in common?


    I will also be kind and use correct punctuation!



  2. Em Free, the reason we can't post about updates is because Ozma posts about them ALL while we're at school.Some of us can't wake up at 4:00 am sometimes you know (though I do try). Also, AJ dosn't actually HAVE that many updates anymore. I mean seriusly, is all we can look forward to Rare Mondays? Not even...

    1. I realized this, and FreeSpirit does too. We'll try to contact Ozma and tell him to not post for a while.

  3. A-hem. Ozma is a girl. And Ozma will try to leave the item updates untill 4 PM EST. If it isn't posted by then, can I update?

  4. Umm, FreeSpirit, I want you to know: You can delete me as admin and author without fear. Here are the all reasons: 1. Spring ends, all exams coming.... I need to prepare. In the simple way I call this reason just "No Time" 2. Summer is coming, who wants to spend their all summer sitting in AJ and posting all updates. Only no lifers can do this. But, I have a life, so that's the reason 3. I lost my membership, no membership means no fun anymore to me. 4. I found other unique online game. Just sayin' but AJ is bit boring for me now... How I call this "Boring AJ routtine". 5. I don't want to wear glasses, I mean, I don't want to play AJ and wait for update, I'll save my eyes. And last, I'm going to visit AJ once a week for like about 5 minutes (maybe more rarely, in the summer I won't log in all 3 months) Well, now you know, so wish you good summer. Send me Freedom wings or top hats if they come out one day. Farewell.


Hey Jammers!
A few simple rules for AJF:

1. Be Nice
2. No rude Comments towards us or the blog.
3. No advertising blogs.
4. If you don't like the blog, don't read it.