
Friday, April 6, 2012

A note to Moderators and Jammers...e.e

Hello, Jammers! It's XxFreeSpiritxX Here!

As you see, AJF is getting quite popular and has a lot of Moderators.


Whoa, ok.

Only about half of them post once a week or so.

So, Unfortunately I have to make a new requirement/rule:

All Moderators must be posting ONCE a week at minimum, or they will be removed from the blog.

A lot of them are close friends, and post regularly. They will stay.
But for the ones who get removed,
I think we can let some other jammers who maybe aren't as known, or 'famous' become a moderator for a little while :3

  • What should the Maximum moderators be?
  • Or should there be a limit?
  • Is it good to have 23 moderators if some don't post that often?

In my opinion, it is getting kind of out of hand. Also, I am having tons of emails coming to that jammers want to become moderators.

Also, I think there is a vibe going on that since there are tons of moderators, that "One of the others can post new updates"
I apologize to all the jammers out there, that sometimes we here at AJF miss updates.

Yet, we do have our own blogs that I hope you understand we need to take care of too.

I, will try more but I am admin of this blog so I have to handle:

  • My blog
  • Pages
  • Comments Moderation
  • Polls
  • To make sure moderators DO post updates
  • Labels
  • Spelling errors in posts
  • The Layout
Sorry, I just want to share :L Since I am a little bored here but I hope you get the point.

Also, Moderators - Does it allow you to post on other pages?

Guys, Make sure to vote on the poll to the right "What can AJF Approve on?" The Grand update will becoming to AJF in FOUR days! :3

Moderators, Make sure to keep a look out in your Inbox, I don't quite know how to Handle the Jammer of the Month/Week page that will be coming. (Oh I guess I Just spilled a secret, tho It was obvious because it has 17 Votes)

Water Wings! Came out today.
Like LoveLost says, I don't think we can trust AJ on Clearance items yet. Or maybe, they are trying to fool us for the future..?!

Water Wings were out in November 2011.

They are very attractive :3

Well, I hope you guys read this post.
:) SYIJ!


  1. "I think we can let some other jammers who maybe aren't as known, or 'famous' become a moderator for a little while:

    Do people really not become moderators because people don't know their name?

    Or did you used to...? >n>

  2. I don't think having a larger-than-the-norm amount of moderators is a bad thing. But making everyone post once a week is a bit much. Maybe once every month, because not much can happen in one week every week. :/

    Plus it would clog your blog with useless posts of even daily scheduals (though those random how-my-day-was posts amuse me ONLY when they are out of the blue) just to meet the requirement. Make sure to keep it clear that posts are for animal jam related updates only (maybe the occasional personal thingy).

    It's good to have set rules to stay active in the blog. I'd set the moderator limit at 30. First come, first entry. ;D

    How do moderators get accepted?
    Can I be one?
    What if I am not a /rare/ steak like everyone else?

    -supermonkeys, the one who is not a rare -steak-

  3. @Anonymous

    Some jammers tell me they want to be a moderator, but are nervous because they are not 'extremely rare' 'known' or 'famous' Which is rediculous, because everyone on AJ is equal ^^

    @ Supermonkeys

    I was thinking 30, too. And thanks, you can be a moderator make sure to check out 'Become A mod!' page and follow those steps ^^


Hey Jammers!
A few simple rules for AJF:

1. Be Nice
2. No rude Comments towards us or the blog.
3. No advertising blogs.
4. If you don't like the blog, don't read it.