
Thursday, April 19, 2012

last post

hai everyone this is my last post on here im quiting aj for real im sick of it just drama greedy rare people now adays so im quiting i gave all of my items to para mimi and cair so ya cya if i ever come back

                                                                       cya... well no never hatakekakash :l


  1. Hatake you can't leave D:
    ~*le crying* XxFreeSpiritxX

  2. Awwww... bye Hatake... I understand why your quitting.
    I haven't been on AJ for a month, so I don't know how bad it has really gotten. The best thing any person can do is to stop the harm, stop the mean scammers...

  3. ya :T thanks for everything im not one of the im quiting then comes back 20 mins later im done :l cya i might come back sometime >.< but it wont be anytime soon

  4. I understand what your saying, alot of rare traders are greedy, drama is so immmense now dayz. If i were you i would simply take a break, dont quit though.

  5. i dont take it would get any better if i did take a break i think it would be better just to quit and go on with my life i like playing duelingnetwork better then AJ its less dramatized also more fun then AJ so i will be on there user name is bleachisawesome if anyone joins *its for 15 and up thou* :l

  6. Awesome you can't leave! :( *crys* I'll miss you...Please come back soon though.. :'( ~coolcat1o in tears

  7. Aww no please don't!
    *crys an ocean*

  8. I know how u feel when i see that and sokeones bein mean guess who gets a best friend? Yea exactly but please dont quit blogging i dont care about your account i care about u!!


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