
Monday, April 30, 2012

Goodbye, Scam Tab

Ok guys, Supermonkeys here.

I am here to talk about the scammer/hacker/impersonator page and any talk of scamming on this blog.

As of today, the Scam list will be closed. I am sick of seeing this hit-list just taking up space. A lot of people are not even guilty of such crimes. ...And no one has any proof.

Therefore, I have deemed this page useless and no longer needed.

See, there is no need for it. People, you need to pull on your big girl pants and just report the player breaking the rules, block them, and move on with your life.

There is no reason to come on here asking for help, asking to report them (one is enough), or attack them. Just report, and move on. If you don't feel like moving on, talk to them yourselves. If you do have questions and need help with learning how to report someone, just ask then.

I am not saying that scamming, hacking, or impersonation is OK and tolerated. I am just saying that these issues are way too much drama and that this blog is not a place to whine about it. If I find you are repeatedly making comments such as "so-and-so scammed for his items", it will be deleted. I don't care anymore if people have proof, it's up to AJHQ if they are in trouble. So why don't you go tell them?

I am sorry if I seem rude or brash, but this has gone on long enough. If you don't like these changes, tough cookies. I am sure there are other blogs who love to put up any one's name without a blink, you can go to them.

If you have questions or feedback on my descision, just leave them below.


  1. As you can see, it is very obvious WHO is mature and WHO is not ;3
    I think that's a good idea, I find it very ridiculous that people comment saying:
    They should just deal with it them selves >.<
    Sometimes people use scammers as excuses for 'free' items. >.>

    1. Thanks, and it wasn't just my idea. A few others felt the same.

      I can understand how people feel helpless after being scammed for the first or second time, but after the third, they have it comming and need to deal with it.

      Yes, because when you are hacked/scammed, it's OTHER PEOPLE'S responsibility to get back all the items YOU lost! Duh!

      I am glad someone else is happy with my choice. ^^

  2. This is exactly what I think! =)
    We all know how to report and ignore annoying Jammers and if you have no clue how, there is a help page all about it! If you aren't even bothered about it you can ask another Jammer or even ask Animal Jam themselves!
    If you search a search engine you'll find information regarding scammers so we can all manage them!

    I think that if YOU got scammed, you should put more effort towards not getting scammed again instead of shouting about it on all AJ blogs in ther universe :\

  4. i geuss people do find it annoying that people are constantly asking people to report others (and to be honest i think its actually a little bit rude) but im making a blog, and i have a scammer list. i only have about 5 right now and i need more. AND this scammer list was the most accurate i knew. please bring it back.

    sorry im asking for scammers for my own blog... but i cant help it!

    - creaturecritter

    1. Sorry, but I don't see how (in)acurate lists are needed for any site, as they are shown to be targets for harassment.

      This is a friendly blog, and a list of scammers isn't fit for this site, so it will stay off.

      If you really feel the need to make a list of supposed scammers, then please ask somebody else.

  5. 1) Most people havee at least one video or picture of proof.
    2) AJHQ does nothing to help. Carbon-copy emails don't make months of work pay off again
    3)We're misguided kids here, sometime we can't help but act like our own age
    4) Since AJHQ does nothing, where will the scammers/hackers/impostors get their guilt/punishment? (One report does nothing, it dosn't even send a notification to the parent email)

    Best argument I can come up at the time. Not trying to be mean, just stating my views and those of many others...


Hey Jammers!
A few simple rules for AJF:

1. Be Nice
2. No rude Comments towards us or the blog.
3. No advertising blogs.
4. If you don't like the blog, don't read it.