
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Heyy, Im Ace97 =)

Hello, Jammers! It's Ace97 Here!!!

You May Know Me On Animal Jam or You Might Know Me From My Blog: 

Ace97 Animal Jam Rockz!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Some Stuff About Me:
-I Turn 14 At the End Of April
-I Really Dislike Legomaster0300 Because i added him and He kept Talking Behind My Back and Got Mad Cuz I Have Friends That Care
-Ive been Playing AJ Since July 2011
-People Call Me Very Rare.. Even Tho i Dont Really Care >.<
-And If You Have Any Questions Feel Free To Ask Me!


  1. *spies* Is the only thing there will posted on here is welcomes?
    Anyway, hiya Ace97. o-o


    1. Oh no, yesterday was the first day of AJF So we wanted to have all the jammers get to know us better, since there is so far a total of 15 mods. Today I think we are planning to officially start it as a Aj-update blog :3


  2. awesome, and by the way, i am cottonball2's cousin... AWESOME BLOG I WOULD LOVE TO CONTURBUTUIE but have to ask....


Hey Jammers!
A few simple rules for AJF:

1. Be Nice
2. No rude Comments towards us or the blog.
3. No advertising blogs.
4. If you don't like the blog, don't read it.