
Friday, November 29, 2013

Whats new!

Hello, Jammers! It's Crazyforwolves123 Here!

A new creative party is here!
The play-as-your-pet party! In this party you can actually be your pet! You can play with your friends and have tons of fun, as your pet! I think this is very creative. And flying pets have the option to fly up to the Sky Shop! They sell all kinds of accessories for your pets!
Also today the new item is a Pile Of Snowballs! They cost 350 gems and can be found in the Jam Mart Furniture!
You can trot on over to Jam Mart Furniture and get one today! 

Also the Mushroom Hut Den has made another appearance! 
They cost 5k gems! We don't know how long they will stay available so make sure to get one asap! 

This is Crazyforwolves123 signing off!~

Thursday, May 30, 2013

New Diamond Shp!

Hello, Jammers! It's Ella Here!

There's a diamond shop in Jamaa next to Club Geoz! You can earn diamonds by spinning the daily spin wheel or if you're a member, get diamonds every week! Check out for a more in-depth post about the Diamond Shop!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Clover Blanket Story

Hi Jammers! I'm writing a story about today's item, the Clover Blanket!

How The Clover Blanket Came To Be
By Ducier

One day a wolf named Sir Silentmoon was walking along in a forest. His favorite green blanket hung loosely over his shoulders as he walked. Soon Sir Silentmoon came to a meadow full of clover! "Wow," he breathed. The clover was very tall and a soft, pretty green. Sir Silentmoon could not resist jumping in, blanket and all. When he rolled around and played for a bit, he got up and began to brush the clover off himself and his blanket. "Oh no!" Sir gasped. The clover stains would not come off! They were forever stained onto his beautiful green blanket. But then again, it didn't look so bad. And Lucky Day was coming up. Happily, Sir trotted home. He couldn't wait to show his new-and-improved blanket to his friends. Of course, he'd have to get another plain green blanket soon.

Hope you like it!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Clover Chair

Hey Jammers! Today's new item is the Clover Chair. It can be bought and found in the Lucky Party. 
That's all for today, bye Jammers!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Clover Cape & Lucky Party Article

Hey Jammers! Today's item is the Clover Cape! You can find yours in Bahari Bargains.
AJHQ posted about the Lucky Party on their blog, take a look!
I love the Lucky Party! ^.^

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Clover Table

Hey Jammers! Today's item is in the Lucky Party, it's the Clover Table!
That's it for today!

Saturday, February 23, 2013


Hey Jammers! I'm sure all of you have noticed, but AJHQ has put a 'COMING SOON!' stamp on the last space that has no item. I think it adds much suspense and, well, I just think it's a good addition to the catalog. What do you guys think?
 SYS! ~Ducier

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentines Day! ❤


Friday, February 8, 2013

February Item: Heart Rug

Hello, Jammers! It's Ducier Here! Here is Today's Item. I Think It's Pretty Nice But It Would Be Better If It Was A Land Item.
Regular Picture:
Bigger Picture:

It Is A Heart Rug!! Very Nice! 
SYS! ~Ducier

P.S. SYS=See You Soon

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Legendary Glove Glitch

Here's an odd glitch: when you turn while your wearing a Legendary Glove, it switches paws! Check it out:
In the picture above, it's on the left paw.

In this picture, it's on the right paw. If it were still on the left paw it would be on the paw further away. Do you think AJHQ meant to do this so you could see the item better? Or was it overlooked mistake?

Monday, February 4, 2013

Where Did Everybody Go?

Hi Jammers!
It's Ducier!
There are a lot of authors on this blog, but nobody ever posts except me TigerTaco. Where did everybody go? 

Saturday, February 2, 2013

V-Day Is Coming!

V-Day is coming! Making valentines for anyone? 

Friday, February 1, 2013

TPAO (Tiger Pets Are Out)

The tiger is the newest pet, and the newest Monthly Member Gift. It is about the same size in the picture when you open your player card. It's a little smaller when your just walking. I'm getting sick of pets as Monthly Member Gifts though. 


Thursday, January 24, 2013

No More New Years Parties? -Posted By Ducier

I think the last of the 2013 New Years parties have faded away. I hope everyone got a chance to visit them while they were here!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Alpha Advertisments

Hi, I'm trinh6, the newest author. I've seen these on One is with Peck and the next is Sir Gilbert.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Hey its tiger wanting to say don't get scammed, around jamaa i have been seeing scammers saying "tops for trade extra rares only!" yeah right top hats ARE FOR SALE so don't fal for it. and mechs and founders MIGHT SOON be on sale im trying to talk aj into it my l button isnt working well so excuse it please

Animal Jam Fiery Stats

It's Ducier here today! Here are AJF's stats.

Comments Awaiting Moderation: 0
Published Comments: 724
Pageviews Today: 21
Posts: 493
Followers: 58

Yeah that the basics and

click here for a party idea!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Hey jammers tiger here. Wanted to let you know dustwalls (sorry for no pic) are avalible and that there is like an ipad sold in jammart furniture on aj. ^_^ ducier should hold a party!

Yummy Desserts! :)

It's Ducier here with some yummy desserts! Mmmmm!!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

New Item

Hi guys! Ducier here!

Today, the Brown Tile came out for 400 gems! It is sold in Jam Mart Furniture. This Brown Tile closely resembles the Tan Carpet. You could tell Tan Carpets because they didn't fit in the new dens properly. It is rumored that AJHQ fixed this issue, though. I kind of liked the Tan Carpets better with their old appearance. I think Tan Carpets were sold in 2010  or 2011.
That's the new item for today! 

Monday, January 14, 2013

Snow Background?

It's Ducier here, and I kind of changed the background of Animal Jam Fiery to a more wintry theme-snow. If anyone dislikes it I'll definitely put it back to the way it was. So, snow or summer look? 

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Ducier Here With a Party Idea!

Hi Moderators/Authors!
This is Ducier speaking, and I had an idea. I'm sure you've all noticed that we are pretty close to 30,000 views on Animal Jam Fiery, currently we have 29,528. So I was thinking that maybe we could gather ALL of the past authors/mods and the current ones and have a huge party to celebrate! Except for the ones that have quit Animal Jam and blogging, that is. So, I've been looking at past posts and at the current list of authors, and the people that I/we must contact for the possible party are:

♀ Lehelter ♀
AJ APowerfulBlueDestiny
Evelyn Spiritravine-FR/Spiritrose Plez-AJ




Shawnana98 (IloveAJ5678)

Tigerlilycoke (Tigerlilycoke! *the marvelous*)

BeautifulBlackWolf (B Bw/Zendaya/Rocky)

Eagleeye34 (Єᗩᘐᒪᙓᕮ૪ᙓ34)


YingYangSoulCat (wu- Dong)


Ilovekats (Tara��)

Is that it? I'm sorry if I missed anybody, it was a little hard to find every single person that was ever on this blog. So, what do YOU think of the author get-together/views party? Suggestions? Preferences? Comment, I need feedback on this! 

P.S. If the party actually happens, bring your friends, this isn't just for authors! :D :P


Saturday, January 12, 2013


Hey It's tiger wanting to tell you to visit for pokemon news its by me and my friend so id appreciate it ^_^ thx

                                             ~umbee/tiger signing off~

Friday, January 11, 2013

Blog Shout-Out!

Hi, Ducier the Awesome! ^.^ back posting again today with a blog shout-out, requested by SkyeLogic! His/her blog is super cool, you should REALLY check it out! :D

Name: Animal Jam Guide | Your favorite Animal Jam Guide handbook

Oh and as for the question of who owns Animal Jam Fiery, Breathless, former owner, suggested that I look at the settings and see who the administrators are. So apparently...

OrcaLvr (she quit)
Ducier the Awesome! ^.^ (me)
Evelyn Spiritravine-FR/SpiritrosePlez-AJ

all own this blog, since we're all admins. But I guess it doesn't matter, 'cause it's a group blog. :PPPP

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Who Owns It?

Hi, it's Ducier the Awesome! ^.^ posting today! So I was wondering who actually owns this blog. Or do all the administrators own it? I thought XxFreeSpiritxX/Goldfishypuppy/Breathless handed it over to OrcaLvr but I'm not completely sure. So who owns Animal Jam Fiery?

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Hey everybody! I haven't posted in a while but, Happy New Year 2013!!!!!! What are some of your New Years Resolutions? :3