
Thursday, December 27, 2012

rants i guess

Hey guys it's tiger here with another one of my daily rants plus one of my link role play link now todays rant includes..... wow today were going to talk about games not much of a rant but heres some of my game reviews! -pokemon black and white 1 - fair  yet kind of horrible gen 1-3 are way better! pokemon black and white 2- now game freak is getting back into gen 1-3 spirit! animal jam- cool fun and overall educational!

Monday, December 24, 2012

some people say i rant....

Hey guys , It's tiger , im not posting about the dail gift.... or anything like that.... it's a problem around the world. Some people say I rant to much.... but I don't care this is a big problem i wanna talk about  here. BULLYING.
IT HAUNTS US ALL! how many times have you been in the halls of your school and someone spits the devils language at you. bullys control you once your their victim they can make you give them your money they control your mind with fear your afraid they will hurt you, DON'T BE AFRAID GO TO AN ADULT, my friends like to call it the "grow a spine and stand up" method XD.
Don't be afraid to stand up and speak up even if you are not the victim and you see it tell somone if you are a bully go to a trusted adult talk about why you might be that way. jam on ~tigertaco2011 the wonderful advice giver (leave thingss you need advice on , in the comments below)

Friday, December 21, 2012

Cookie Table

Today's daily Jamaaliday gift is the Cookie Table, yum!!!
That would be cool if you could actually eat it, like if you clicked it little bites would appear in it's sides! 

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Daily Jamaaliday Gift

Hey guys this is Ducier! This is a quick post, the daily Jamaaliday gift is 800 gems!


Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Jamaaliday Mailbox and Jamaaliday Wreaths

Hi Jammers! AJHQ's daily Jamaaliday gift to us today is the Jamaaliday Mailbox!
There is a Jamaaliday Wreath in Epic Wonders.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Snow Angels, Round Ornaments, and a Daily Explorer Post

Hi Jammers! Today's daily Jamaaliday gift is the Snow Angel! I believe this is an old return. Our new item for today is the Round Ornament. You can buy it in Jam Mart Furniture. Wouldn't that be cool if we could have necklaces with little ornaments on them?

AJHQ also posted something on their blog:
Happy Jamming!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Rare Antlers and Snowflake Rug

Hi Jammers! Today's rare for Rare Item Monday is the green-colored Rare Antlers! You can buy your own on page three of Jam Mart Clothing.
AJHQ has posted about the Rare Antlers on their blog, The Daily Explorer.
Last but certainly not least, the daily Jamaaliday gift is the Snowflake Rug.
That's it for today, bye Jammers!