
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Bamboo fence

Hey Jammers! Its TheSafari07 here! Sorry i haven't been posting here :(
Anyways the new item of the day is a bamboo fence located at jam mart furniture:
Awesome that its NON MEMBER!!! Finally a cool item for non members and glad there not that expensive :)
Also there is a new post on the daily explorer:
Wow isn't this a little late post since the bunnies only party came out a long time ago. They should had posted this when it came out, don't you think??
Anyways thats all for now!
Happy Jamming!!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Bamboo and The Daily Explorer Post

Hello Jamaasians! Today's new item (which is not actually new since it is returning from when it was first sold in Coral Corner) is Bamboo! You can buy it in the garden shop called Treetop Gardens in Serepia Forest.
Also, AJHQ has posted about safety on their blog, The Daily Explorer.
Also, I got a plaque! However, I traded it for a black and red Legendary Glove. I have the card to prove it.
Well, yeah. Sorry I haven't been posting very much. I feel like Animal Jam Fiery is shutting down. Nobody posts except for me. Nobody even reads this blog, either. 

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Barrel Sponge

Sorry this is going to be a quick post.

Today's new item is the Barrel Sponge sold in Sunken Treasures.
How do you like it? There is also a new print and play in Dr. Tierny Thy's Aquarium:
That's all for now, see you around Jamaa!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Rare Arctic Hood and a Post on The Daily Explorer

Hey people! 
Today's Rare Item Monday is the Rare Arctic Hood, and it can be found on page two of the Hot Cocoa Hut  shop.
A perfect match for the past Rare Item Monday, the Rare Arctic Coat. Sadly, it's member. :( Nonmembers should really have more items to choose from and should be able to change the colors of nonmember items. More Rare Monday's should be nonmember, too.
Anyway. . . . .
The Daily Explorer posted about the new Rare Monday:
What do you think of this Rare Monday? Did you like this item when it was first on sale? What are your thoughts?

That's all I got for now, see ya later Jammers!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Baby Palm Tree and The Daily Explorer Article

Hey Jamaasians! 
Not many people have been posting these days. :( Where have all our authors gone?
Anyway, today's new item is the Baby Palm Tree sold in Treetop Gardens of Serepia Forest. <3 However, it isn't exactly "new". This item was sold a while back, too.
AJHQ also posted about the Penguins Only Party on their blog, look below!
WHAT THE? *points to thing beside gem thing* What is that????? It's like a group of sticky notes pinned together with a tack! What could it be??

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Bubble Emitter and The Daily Explorer Articles

Hello, Jamaasians! Today's new item is the Bubble Emitter, sold in Sunken Treasures. Sunken Treasures is located in Kani Cove.
What do you think of this item
As well as the new item, AJHQ posted about monkey plushies on their blog, The Daily Explorer!
Which ones of these monkey plushies do you have?


Hi Jamaasians! The Cactus has come out, a formerly rare plant. I had a couple of these, it's sort of sad to see all these rares slipping away. :(
The winner of the Golden Lion Tamarin News Crew Assignment is finally announced! Congratulations to Queen Canyonrose, I believe her username is papad91278.
I can't wait to see what the next News Crew Assignment will be!

Be sure to visit The Daily Howl, StormClan-Diary of Redstrike and More!, and Animal Jam Downpour! Having a Blast With Cassiusclay2!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Please read

Hello, Jammers! It's *XxSpicyxX* Here....... My b-day is coming up in 3 weeks. I'm not that happy about it because I've asked every year (that i've played aj) for a membership... But never have gotten one.And, If you see me around Jamaa, I won't talk much, but only with a simple "Hello". So please expect just a "Hello". I'm just mad, And i don't want to be tempered with.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Rare Item Monday!

Hello, Jammers! It's DreamsOfBlue Here!
The Rare Monday is Members Only, (Awww...)
The Rare Members-Only Coat!
I guess next week it will be the Rare Hood :\
And-- OF COURSE! Animal Jam is Preparing for WINTER!!!

Wohoo! Christmas is Coming! Christmas is Coming!

And By the way,
Why did AJHQ Post Rare winter Arctic hoods, Not Rare winter arctic Coat.

~ :D DreamsOfBlue :D ~

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Save Some Updates?

Hello, Jammers! It's Skerrymalas Here!
I was just wondering, since Ducier and devon have been posting so much and I rarely have,
could you save some updates for the other jammers?
I mean, we'd have to get up at 5:00 to get the update in like snowyclaw.
I don't think the other author appreciate it!
Well, the other authors that post, anyway..
This isn't being mean, it's just a question :P


Sea Turtle Submersible

 Heyo Jamaasians! The item of the day is the new Sea Turtle Submersible, and can buy it in Sunken Treasures in Kani Cove.
How do you like the new item? Do you think that just because the underwater dens are for members-only, all the underwater items are member-only?

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Most Likely Quitting

Hello, Jammers! It's Skerrymalas Here!
Yea, I'm just required to put that there.
I'm not that hyper right now at ALL.
I'm going to sleep on my keyboard in 3..
Anyway, I'm most likely quitting Blogging for a few weeks.

Firefly Necklace and Glitch

Hi Jamaasians! Today's item is the Firefly necklace, and it can be found in the top green clothing orb of Epic Wonders. 
I feel as if it should have been sold earlier in summer, but oh well! 
Now I have a glitch for you guys!

AJ Birthday Party Glitch
Teacher: carriefun

Step 1: Stand where I am in the picture. (Click to enlarge).

Step 2: Click a player's name-tag.

Step 3: Click buddy games.

Step 4: Open buddy games.

Step 5: Click the pink scoop of ice cream.

Step 6: Click any buddy game.

Step 7: Cancel the buddy game quickly.

Then, when you get in the glitch, click to confirm it! 

That's all for now, happy jamming!

Be sure to visit my blog and the one I'm authoring for, The Daily Howl and Animal Jam Downpour! Having a Blast With Cassiusclay2! 

Friday, September 14, 2012

Star glasses

Hey Jammers! Its TheSafari07 here! So todays item can be located at jam mart clothing:
Star glasses. Awesome that there NON MEMBER and cheap, so thats cool ^-^
Also theres a new post on the daily explorer:
YAY Its animal jams 2ND birthday!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANIMAL JAM!! <3

Happy Jamming everyone!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Happy Birthday!

Hi Jamaasians! You may not have heard, but today is Animal Jam's birthday! Here is today's new item, the Gardening Hat!
There's also a huge party filled with cake and frosting!

The party is amazing, full of cake and frosting!

On a slice of cake is where you can buy shaman statues! They are bronze ones, not the regular rock-gray ones. 
You can see Greely in the shop window! Here is what you can buy:

I like how AJHQ decided to put bronze shamans on sale as their sale choice. Very culture-y of them!
Also, there is a new code, BIRTHDAYBASH and you get a 2nd Birthday Cake from it!

There's also a new game, it's kind of like Pac Man. If your good at Pac Man and like it, you'll love this game! It's called Hedge Hog.

It only gave me 69 gems. :( Oh well, still a fun game! The Summer Carnival is ending on September 26, but will apparently be coming back next summer! All items are on clearance, I just bought some blue dreadlocks .

Also, autumn is now in Jamaa! 
Here are a few more news articles:
And the activities calendar...
That's all for today, see you soon and happy jamming!